Consolidated income statement

SEK m Note* 2015 2014
Net sales 5, 6 4 200 3 870
Costs of goods sold 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 -2 959 -2 736
Gross profit 1 241 1 134
Selling expenses 7, 8, 9 -476 -456
Administrative expenses 7, 8, 9, 11 -240 -211
Research and development expenses 7, 8 -10 -11
Other operating income 14 13 4
Other operating expenses 7, 8, 15 -37 -27
EBIT 5, 16 490 433
Income from financial items 16, 17
Financial income 2 5
Financial expenses -33 -24
Net financial items -31 -19
Income after financial items 459 414
Income tax 19 -113 -113
Net income from the year from continuing operations 346 302
Net income for the year from discontinued operations 4 18
Net income for the year 350 319
Income attributable to:
Equity holders of the Parent Company 350 319
Earnings per share (expressed in SEK per share), calculated on net income for the year from continuing operations attributable to equity holders of the Parent Company during the year:
– Before and after dilution 20 7.37 6.42
Earnings per share (expressed in SEK per share), calculated on net income for the year from discontinued operations attributable to equity holders of the Parent Company during the year:
– Before and after dilution 0.09 0.38
Earnings per share (expressed in SEK per share), calculated on net income for the year attributable to equity holders of the Parent Company during the year:
– Before and after dilution 7.45 6.80

*Notes related to the income statement

1 – General information
2 – Summary of important accounting principles
3 – Financial risks
4 – Important estimations and assessments for accounting purposes
5 – Operating segments
12 – Personnel (Average number)
13 – Salaries and other remuneration