Parent company, balance sheet

SEK m Note Dec 31, 2015 Dec 31, 2014
ASSETS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Fixed assets
Intangible fixed assets 21
Goodwill 100 200
Capitalized development expenses 22 23
Trademarks and licenses 10 6
Total intangible fixed assets 132 229
Tangible fixed assets
Buildings, land and land improvements 22 14 15
Machinery and other technical equipment 23 8 11
Equipment, tools and installations 24 3 3
Construction in progress and advance payments for tangible fixed assets 25 6 2
Total tangible fixed assets 30 31
Financial fixed assets
Participations in Group companies 26, 38 766 772
Deferred tax assets 19 60 87
Other long-term receivables, internal 27 1 436 1 654
Total financial fixed assets 2 262 2 513
Total fixed assets 2 424 2 773
Current assets
Inventories 10
Products in progress 0
Finished goods and goods for resale 78 87
Advances to suppliers 4 6
Total inventories 82 93
Current receivables
Accounts receivable 28 91 96
Derivative instruments 29 4 1
Receivables from Group companies 28 52 42
Tax assets 5 5
Other receivables 28 19 17
Prepaid expenses and accrued income 30 15 12
Total current receivables 187 173
Current financial receivables, from Group companies 28 65 109
Cash and bank balances 144 140
Total current assets 477 515
TOTAL ASSETS 2 901 3 288
Shareholders’ equity
Restricted shareholders’ equity
Share capital 20 59 59
Statutory reserve 11 11
Revaluation reserve 13 13
Total restricted shareholders’ equity 83 83
Non-restricted shareholders’ equity
Retained earnings 1 598 1 674
Net income for the year 121 134
Total non-restricted shareholders’ equity 1 719 1 808
Total shareholders’ equity 1 802 1 891
Pension provisions 33 104 107
Total provisions 104 107
Long-term liabilities 31
Bank loans 31 537
Other long-term liabilities 29 7 6
Total long-term liabilities 544 6
Short-term liabilities
Accounts payable 62 64
Liabilities to Group companies 292 293
Bank loans 31 818
Derivative instruments 29 0 11
Other liabilities 11 11
Allocation to restructuring reserve 9 3 1
Accrued expenses and deferred income 34 82 87
Total short-term liabilities 451 1 290
Pledged assets 35
Contingent liabilities 35 76 53