Parent company, cash flow statement SEK M Note 2015 2014 Cash flow from operating activities: Operating income -57 -56 Adjustments for items not included in cash flow 36 129 136 Interest received 32 36 Dividends received 127 95 Interest paid -25 5 Paid income tax 0 0 Cash flow from operating activities before changes in working capital 206 216 Changes in working capital: Increase (-)/decrease (+) in inventories 10 -5 Increase (-)/decrease (+) in accounts receivable -12 4 Increase (-)/decrease (+) in receivables -11 -5 Increase (+)/decrease (-) in accounts payable 1 12 Increase (+)/decrease (-) in short-term liabilities 0 -14 Cash flow from operating activities -12 208 Cash flow used in investing activities: Acquisition of intangible fixed assets 21 -15 -7 Acquisition of tangible fixed assets 22, 23, 24, 25 -11 -7 Sale of tangible fixed assets 0 0 Change in net lending to Group companies 301 -346 Change in non-interest-bearing receivables 0 6 Acquisition of subsidiaries – -2 Change in interest-bearing receivables 0 0 Cash flow used in investing activities 275 -354 Cash flow used in financing activities: Dividends to shareholders -211 -188 Net change, overdraft facilities and other financial liabilities -2 177 Repayment of loans -382 -834 Loans received 130 967 Cash flow used in financing activities -465 122 Cash flow for the year 4 -24 Cash and cash equivalents, opening balance 140 164 Cash and cash equivalents, closing balance 144 140