Being a leading manufacturer of table top and packaging concepts carries with it great responsibility. Duni’s approach to its role is well documented in our CSR program, Our Blue Mission, and is aimed at ensuring that all stakeholders can rely on Duni’s products being manufactured ethically and safely.

Duni is actively working to reduce its impact on the environment. By regularly reviewing internal processes and, in addition, investing in modern technology, efficiency is improved throughout the production chain, thereby reducing resource and energy consumption. The use of materials with a clear environmental profile also plays an important part in this work. These products are brought together under the ecoecho® brand, a range which satisfies requirements within resource efficiency, renewability, compostability, and responsible forestry.

The well-being of an organization is a prerequisite for achieving commercial and environmental goals. In this respect, the employees constitute the most important resource. Duni engages in active and consistent work on its internal environment. Various talent development programs identify and utilize existing skills. Health and safety issues are other important, prioritized areas.

Nothing is stronger than its weakest link – a factor that Duni has taken into consideration when compiling its extensive Code of Conduct. The code applies throughout the chain, both at Duni’s own plants and its suppliers. The code includes clear rules of conduct within areas such as working conditions, human rights, and discrimination. Duni holds regular training courses on compliance to the Code of Conduct.

Presence on many markets involves both opportunities and risks. In order to reduce any risks, Duni has developed business ethics principles that establish how the Group is to work proactively to prevent corruption, bribery, fraud and other unlawful behavior. Recurring training courses on ethics, whistleblowing principles and the Code of Conduct in general are held both internally at Duni and with suppliers.
Long-term CSR work constitutes a natural part of Duni’s strategy and covers all parts of the Group, on all markets.
Duni’s ambition is to create Goodfoodmood® wherever people come together to eat. This covers a greater whole than the products themselves, and also includes assumption of responsibility throughout the chain by working in a manner that creates positive conditions for the future.
As a vertically integrated company, Duni operates within many areas. Control over the entire chain, from material development to converting and distribution, provides favorable opportunities to influence and drive development in the industry.
Clear objectives and structures are needed in order to do so. Thus, Our Blue Mission was created as a comprehensive CSR program which describes the Group’s work within different areas such as the environment, product safety, social responsibility, social rights and business ethics. The program has resulted in specific targets, to be achieved not later than 2020. These include the ambitious target of 100% fossil-free production and a 20% reduction in energy consumption between 2010 and 2020.

“We know that we must earn the trust of our customers and employees. Serious and genuine CSR work is crucial for achieving our objectives.”
Elisabeth Gierow, Corporate CSR and Quality Director
An important part of the work involves continuously reviewing the source of the raw materials. Most of Duni’s products are based on pulp. Responsible forestry and paper extraction is thus a top priority area. The work involves various methods for tracing the source of the raw material, in order to avoid illegal logging. In addition to complying, of course, with the EU’s Timber Regulation (EUTR), Duni is also certified in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council® (FSC®). This is an independent international members’ organization that promotes environmentally conscious, socially beneficial and economically sustainable use of the world’s forests. FSC® has developed an extensive regulatory program concerning environmental governance, forestry and economy. Compliance with the program is a prerequisite for obtaining certification. Currently, more than 90% of Duni’s paper material is FSC®-certified. Most of the timber is derived from Nordic forests.
The program also covers other materials and chemicals used in the production process. Consequently, biologically degradable alternatives are prioritized in production, which lead to offerings with an environmental profile. The work has generated results. For example, Duni’s entire unicolor range of napkins now carries the OK Compost® mark. The marking is awarded only to products that are biologically degradable at an industrial composting site. It also guarantees that the chemicals used are not detrimental to the environment. This makes the products a good choice also where industrial composting is unavailable.
Renewable and plant-based materials are also interesting for Duni. During the year, bagasse (a byproduct from sugar production) has been used to an ever greater extent for products within, particularly, take-away. As a natural, formable and fully compostable alternative it satisfies all of the criteria for being a good environmental material. More products made of bagasse will be developed in 2017, while the search for new, climate-conscious materials continues.
Several of the environmentally adapted products have been brought together under the ecoecho® name, a brand which satisfies certain demands in terms of, among other things, resource efficiency, renewability, compostability and responsible forestry.

The bagasse used in the manufacture of snack boxes is a natural byproduct of sugar production. When composted, they are converted into soil within a few weeks.
Duni wishes to engage in correct work in all stages in the chain. It is important that the Group’s growth is accompanied by a correct approach to the issue of conduct. Since 2005, a well documented Code of Conduct has been in place that covers all aspects of the business chain, both Duni’s own plants as well as suppliers. It describes how the work is to be conducted in an ethical, socially and environmentally correct manner. Regular audits are carried out to ensure compliance with the Code of Conduct. The work takes place in close dialogue with the suppliers, who often appreciate receiving help and support in conducting their business under sound working conditions. During the year, training sessions were carried out with suppliers in China, and with subsidiaries in Asia. Duni also carried out audits at its own production units.
The CSR strategy also includes regular reviews of the Group’s total impact on the environment. All plants in Europe are ISO 14001-certified, entailing that a systematic work method is in place for identifying, rectifying, directing and controlling the environmental impact in the production process.
There is also a responsibility to ensure that Duni’s products are safe for both humans and the environment. Duni’s products and raw materials undergo extensive testing of chemical content and appropriate use to ensure that they are not dangerous to use.

For several years, the Group has been cooperating with the Min Stora Dag (My Big Day) Foundation, which has the aim of enabling children with severe illnesses and diagnoses to realize their dreams. Each year, some form of activity is arranged with the aim of providing a degree of relief and happiness. In 2016, Duni arranged two appreciated cooking camps for some 30 children. Together with, among others, chef Niklas Ekstedt, the children had the chance to experience a weekend of cooking and competitions in Stockholm.
A newly instituted design competition was another initiative taken during the year. In the autumn, children in Sweden were able to compete to create a napkin design representing a memory from the summer. The winning proposal will be sold in selected stores and on Duni’s and Min Stora Dag’s online stores in 2017. All profits will go to Min Stora Dag.
Sustainability targets
The following sustainability targets for 2020 are under constant review.
The energy in Duni’s production will be 100% fossil-free.
Renewable or
compostable alternatives shall be available in 100% of Duni’s product groups.
A 20% reduction in energy use between 2010 och 2020.
100 %
All employees shall be involved in improvements, be familiar with our Code of Conduct, and participate in the work on issues concerning values.
There shall be no complaints about products with potential health risks.
Monitored suppliers shall account for 80% of the value of raw materials and end products. All new suppliers of end products shall be monitored.