Five-year summary, consolidated balance sheets

SEK m Dec 31, 2016 Dec 31, 2015 Dec 31, 2014 Dec 31, 2013 Dec 31, 2012
Goodwill 1 577 1 455 1 463 1 249 1 199
Other intangible fixed assets 304 275 311 78 51
Tangible fixed assets 951 857 851 723 744
Financial fixed assets 67 98 140 180 219
Total fixed assets 2 899 2 684 2 765 2 230 2 213
Inventories 548 500 503 434 387
Accounts receivable 730 660 743 658 624
Other receivables 124 131 69 148 126
Cash and cash equivalents 186 203 205 225 181
Total current assets 1 588 1 494 1 563 1 465 1 318
TOTAL ASSETS 4 487 4 178 4 328 3 695 3 531
Equity attributable to the Parent Company’s shareholders 2 406 2 345 2 193 2 099 1 985
Non-controlling interests 80
Total equity
2 486 2 345 2 193 2 099 1 985
Long-term financial liabilities 676 552 11 492 576
Other long-term liabilities 402 360 394 263 275
Total long-term liabilities 1 079 912 405 755 851
Accounts payable 373 352 341 348 301
Short-term financial liabilities 818
Other short-term financial liabilities 549 568 572 493 394
Total short-term liabilities 922 920 1 731 841 695
TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 4 487 4 178 4 328 3 695 3 531