Consolidated balance sheet

SEK m Note Dec 31, 2016 Dec 31, 2015
ASSETS 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Fixed assets
Intangible fixed assets 21
Goodwill 1 577 1 455
Customer relations 250 221
Capitalized development expenses 40 38
Trademarks and licenses 14 16
Total intangible fixed assets 1 881 1 730
Tangible fixed assets
Buildings, land and land improvements 22 299 268
Machinery and other technical equipment 23 514 422
Equipment, tools and installations 24 74 68
Construction in progress and advance payments for tangible fixed assets 25 64 99
Total tangible fixed assets 951 857
Financial fixed assets
Deferred tax assets 19 65 96
Other long-term receivables 27 2 2
Total financial fixed assets 67 98
Total fixed assets 2 899 2 684
Current assets
Inventories 10
Raw materials and consumables 146 133
Products in progress 6 7
Finished goods and goods for resale 384 354
Advances to suppliers 11 6
Total inventories 548 500
Current receivables
Accounts receivable 28 730 660
Derivative instruments 29 1 4
Tax assets 14 15
Other receivables 28 80 79
Prepaid expenses and accrued income 30 30 33
Total current receivables 855 790
Cash and cash equivalents 186 203
Total current assets 1 588 1 494
TOTAL ASSETS 32 4 487 4 178
Share capital 20 59 59
Other contributed capital 1 681 1 681
Reserves 59 66
Retained earnings including net income for the year 606 539
Total equity attributable to the shareholders of the Parent Company 2 406 2 345
Non-controlling interests 80
Total equity 2 486 2 345
Long-term liabilities
Overdraft facility 31 14 12
Bank loans 31 659 537
Financial leasing liabilities 3 3
Derivative instruments 29 8 7
Deferred tax liabilities 19 126 117
Pension provisions 33 268 236
Total long-term liabilities 1 079 912
Short-term liabilities
Accounts payable 373 352
Tax liabilities 25 66
Derivative instruments 29 12 0
Other liabilities 78 86
Allocation to restructuring reserve 9 12 10
Accrued expenses and deferred income 34 423 406
Total short-term liabilities 922 920