Consolidated income statement

SEK m Note* 2016 2015
Net sales 5, 6 4 271 4 200
Costs of goods sold 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 -3 039 -2 959
Gross profit 1 231 1 241
Selling expenses 7, 8, 9 -483 -476
Administrative expenses 7, 8, 9, 11 -245 -240
Research and development expenses 7, 8 -8 -10
Other operating income 14 10 13
Other operating expenses 7, 8, 15 -43 -37
EBIT 5, 16 463 490
Income from financial items 16, 17
Financial income 1 2
Financial expenses -23 -33
Net financial items -22 -31
Income after financial items 441 459
Income tax 19 -107 -113
Net income from the year from continuing operations 334 346
Net income for the year from discontinued operations 0 4
Net income for the year 334 350
Income attributable to:
Equity holders of the Parent Company 332 350
Non-controlling interests 2
Earnings per share for continuing and discontinued operations, attributable to the equity holders of the Parent Company, SEK (before and after dilution): 20
Continuing operations 7.06 7.37
Discontinued operations 0.00 0.09
Total 7.06 7.45