Parent company, income statement

SEK m Note* 2016 2015
Net sales 5, 6 1 140 1 191
Costs of goods sold 6, 8, 9, 10 -1 023 -1 046
Gross profit 117 145
Selling expenses 8, 9 -121 -122
Administrative expenses 8, 9, 11 -158 -154
Research and development expenses 8 -5 -6
Other operating income 14 256 244
Other operating expenses 8, 15 -151 -164
EBIT 16 -63 -57
Income from financial items 16, 17
Income from participations in Group companies 18 273 198
Other operating income and similar income 25 32
Interest expenses and similar expenses -22 -25
Net financial items 277 205
Income after financial items 214 148
Tax on income for the year 19 -35 -27
Net income for the year 178 121