Parent Company, change in shareholders’ equity

SEK m Share capital
Statutory reserve
Translation reserve Cash flow reserve Revaluation reserve Non-restricted shareholders’ equity Total shareholders’ equity
Opening balance, Jan 1, 2015
59 11 4 -5 13 1 811 1 891
Comprehensive income
Comprehensive income for the year 3 -1 121 123
Total comprehensive income for the year 0 0 3 -1 121 123
Transactions with owners
Dividends relating to 2014 -211 -211
Total transactions with owners 0 0 0 0 0 -211 -211
Opening balance, Jan 1, 2016 59 11 7 -7 13 1 719 1 802
Comprehensive income
Comprehensive income for the year -1 178 178
Total comprehensive income for the year 0 0 0 -1 0 178 178
Transactions with owners
Dividends relating to 2015 -235 -235
Total transactions with owners 0 0 0 0 0 -235 -235
Closing balance, Dec 31, 2016 59 11 7 -7 13 1 661 1 744

Accumulated translation differences in the Parent Company which were reported directly against shareholders’ equity amounted to SEK 32 m (2015:SEK 33 m).