Note 20 – Share capital, earnings per share and appropriation of profit

On December 31, 2016, the share capital comprised 46,999,032 (2015: 46,999,032) shares. Each share carries an entitlement to one vote. All shares registered on the balance sheet date are fully paid-up. On December 31, 2016, the quotient value of the shares was SEK 1.25 per share.

A specification of changes in equity is provided in the “Consolidated Statement of Changes in Equity“, which is presented immediately after the balance sheet.

Since Duni has had no outstanding convertible debentures or warrants, there has been no dilution of Duni shares in the 2016 and 2015 financial years.

Earnings per share for continuing operations, before and after dilution

Earnings per share for continuing operations before and after dilution are calculated based on the following income and number of shares:

2016 2015
Income attributable to the equity holders of the Parent Company (SEK m) 332 346
Weighted average number of outstanding shares of common stock (thousands) 46 999 46 999
Earnings per share, before and after dilution (SEK per share) 7.06 7.37

Earnings per share for discontinued operations, before and after dilution

Earnings per share for discontinued operations before and after dilution are calculated based on the following income and number of shares:

2016 2015
Income attributable to the equity holders of the Parent Company (SEK m) 0 4
Weighted average number of outstanding shares of common stock (thousands) 46 999 46 999
Earnings per share, before and after dilution (SEK per share) 0.00 0.09
Duni, total 7.06 7.45

Appropriation of profit

The following profit is at the disposal of the Annual General Meeting:

Retained earnings 1 482 977 676
Income for the year 178 304 100
SEK 1 661 281 776

The Board of Directors proposes that profit be appropriated as follows:

Dividend to the shareholders of SEK 5.00 per share, in total 234 995 160
Carried forward 1 426 286 616
SEK 1 661 281 776