Note 23 – Machinery and other technical equipment

Group Parent Company
SEK m 2017 2016 2017 2016
Acquisition values
Opening acquisition values 1 807 1 638 49 53
Investments 13 16 1 2
Increase through business acquisitions 7 13
Sales and disposals -35 -16 -2 -6
Reclassifications 64 126 3 1
Translation differences 45 32
Closing accumulated acquisition values 1 901 1 807 51 49
Opening accumulated depreciation -1 279 -1 174 -39 -42
Depreciation for the year -86 -79 -3 -3
Business acquisitions -11
Sales and disposals 30 14 1 6
Reclassifications 2 -6
Translation differences -32 -23
Closing accumulated depreciation -1 365 -1 279 -40 -39
Opening accumulated impairment -14 -42 -3 -3
Impairment for the year
Reversal of impairment
Reclassification 28
Translation differences 0 0
Closing accumulated impairment -14 -14 -3 -3
Closing book value 522 514 8 8

Machinery and other technical equipment under finances leases are included in the above table for the Group in the amount of SEK 6 m (2016: SEK 5 m) in acquisition value and SEK 3 m (2016: SEK 2 m) in accumulated depreciation.

The Parent Company has no machinery and other technical equipment under finance leases.