Several projects streamlining the value chain
Operations is responsible for Duni’s paper mills and its conversion, distribution and warehouse facilities as well as IT and other system support. Duni’s conversion plants in Germany and Poland produce the parts of the assortment based on the paper manufactured at Rexcell Tissue & Airlaid AB.
“Our focus on the customer journey is important because customers that are loyal to Duni generate more efficient processes and we can provide them with better service. Duni must also get involved locally in proximity to the production sites to make it easier to hire skilled staff.”
Fredrik Malmgren, Director Operations

Major investments in paper production
Duni’s wholly-owned subsidiary Rexcell has made a major investment in airlaid production to meet the need for premium materials for applications such as the crucial napkin qualities Dunilin® and Dunisoft®. This will increase airlaid production capacity at the Skåpafors paper mill by 25 percent.
Complexity that adds value for customers
The complexity of Duni’s production is increasing as customers demand more customized solutions. Duni has improved its rate of customization through increasing sales of branded prints. Duni has also cut costs in several areas and decreased the amount of waste.

Continuous improvements
produce results
Duni’s product strategy for table covers has been implemented, leading to a 35 percent volume increase for Evolin®, Duni’s linen-like table cover material. Rexcell streamlined its operations through continuous improvements. For example, it succeeded in cutting down on machine disruptions and reduced the time it takes for color changes.
Logistics project with many benefits
The transportation network in Central Europe is under heavy pressure and new and improved transportation solutions are required. Duni’s Cosmos project aims to improve the efficiency of transportation and the warehouse structure, which will also result in reduced logistics costs. A new distribution network opens the door to growth, both organically and through easier integration of acquired companies. Fewer transportation kilometers also reduces Duni’s climate impact, and more stable deliveries adds more value for customers.

Optimizing the value chain
Duni’s Hansa project aims to optimize the value chain for merchandise. The project is broad in scope but is focused on processes and organizational structures in purchasing and material supply. The goal is for better processes, increased transparency and clearer ownership in the supply chain should lead to sales growth. Investments in a web-based platform will enable increased digitization of simple tasks and facilitate integration and collaboration with suppliers.
Digitalization – a strong trend
Digitalization has been making waves in most industries, and its impact on Duni is also great. Most areas of the company are affected, including conversion, where digitization plans are now in place. Further training will also be provided for staff to keep up with the digital transformation.