Success is
about people
Duni must have the right skills in the right place in its organization to make Duni’s new strategy a reality in the coming years. Many initiatives pursued within Duni aim to make the company an attractive workplace. The point is to recruit, retain and develop the talent that is best for Duni.
Duni is now the European market leader. Strengthening its position in a world in rapid flux and growing in other regions requires a well-formulated strategy as well as having the right skills in prioritized areas. At its core, success is about people.
Must take responsibility as a company
The competition for skills is on the rise in many industries and all companies must maintain, develop and communicate their employer brand. This is a key success factor as the ability to attract, recruit, retain and develop the right skills becomes increasingly business-critical.
This is why being a company that takes responsibility is an essential part of Duni’s employer brand. These efforts are defined in the company’s CSR program, Our Blue Mission.
To be a company characterized by decency, it is crucial that Our Blue Mission is a fixture of daily operations and that environmental responsibility, the code of conduct, business ethics and product safety are not neglected. How Duni is perceived – not only by potential employees and the rest of the world but also by current employees – depends on this.
Continuous talent development
Job satisfaction is good for both the employees and the employer. In a healthy organization, employees feel seen and have opportunities for development. This is why Duni takes an active and consistent approach to talent management according to a well-defined plan – Dunited.
When it comes to recruiting and retaining talent, being a global company gives Duni an edge. There are great opportunities for employees to move between positions in various functions and countries. The company takes an active approach to internal recruitment, which creates good opportunities for employees to develop. At the same time, these development opportunities make Duni an attractive employer to external, especially younger, talent.
Connecting the organization
The importance of Duni’s continuing development as an attractive and well-functioning workplace is emphasized in the company’s new strategy for 2019–2023. The part of the strategy involving the company’s internal efforts and culture is called The Duni Way and includes several internal initiatives.
One area of focus in the strategy is to facilitate and increase collaboration within the organization. Making it easier to communicate and share experiences and ideas also facilitates innovation, and this can make it easier to develop the customer-specific solutions and services the market demands in relation to digitalization and the environment.
Getting even stronger
Internal communications are also prioritized in the strategy. The goal is for Duni’s employees to be able to quickly find out what’s happening with the Group. A new intranet was launched in 2018 and will contribute positively to both collaboration and communication.
Success is about people. The goal of the initiatives now in progress and being launched, in both HR and IT, is to further increase engagement and lay a solid foundation for Duni to grow and manage external factors.