Parent Company, Changes in Equity

SEK m Share capital Statutory reserve Revaluation reserve Development expenditure reserve Translation reserve Cash flow reserve Unrestricted equity Total shareholders’ equity
Opening balance Jan. 1, 2017 59 11 13 0 7 -7 1 661 1 744
Comprehensive income
Comprehensive income for the year 2 284 286
Total comprehensive income for the year 0 0 0 0 0 2 284 286
Transactions with owners
Dividend paid to shareholders for 2016 -235 -235
Totala transactions with owners 0 0 0 0 0 0 -235 -235
Allocation to development expenditure reserve 1 -1 0
Transfer* 26 -26 0
Opening balance Jan. 1, 2018 59 11 13 1 33 -5 1 683 1 794
Changed accounting principle: IFRS 9 -1 -1
Adjusted opening balance Jan. 1, 2018 59 11 13 1 33 -5 1 682 1 793
Comprehensive income
Comprehensive income for the year 5 256 261
Total comprehensive income for the year 0 0 0 0 0 5 256 261
Transactions with owners
Dividend paid to shareholders for 2017 -235 -235
Total transactions with owners 0 0 0 0 0 0 -235 -235
Allocation to development expenditure reserve 2 -2 0
Closing balance Dec. 31, 2018 59 11 13 3 33 0 1 701 1 819

*This refers to transfer of the historically accumulated translation differences previously recognized in equity.