Parent Company Income Statement

SEK m Note* 2018 2017
Net sales 5, 6 1 194 1 160
Cost of goods sold 6, 8, 9, 10 -1 099 -1 050
Gross profit 95 110
Selling expenses 8, 9 -134 -122
Administrative expenses 8, 9, 11 -170 -160
Research and development expenses 8 -7 -5
Other operating income 14 268 247
Other operating expenses 8, 15 -39 -44
EBIT 16 13 26
Income from financial items 16, 17
Revenue from participation in Group companies 18 273 290
Other interest income and similar items 25 22
Interest expenses and similar items -22 -16
Net financial items 276 297
Income after financial items 289 323
Tax on income for the year 19 -33 -39
Net income for the year 256 284