Note 10 – Inventories

Group Parent Company
SEK m 2018 2017 2018 2017
Raw materials and consumables 174 165
Work in progress 7 8
Finished goods and goods for resale 559 435 97 88
Advance payments to suppliers 31 18 8 10
Total 771 627 105 98

The change in inventories is reported under the item “Costs of goods sold” and, for the Group, amounts to SEK 3,833 m (2017: 3,361). The corresponding item for the Parent Company amounts to SEK 798 m (2017: 772).

The Group’s impairment write-down of inventory to the net realizable value amounts to SEK 6 m (2017: 5). The Parent Company’s reported impairment write-down of inventory amounts to SEK 3 m (2017: 2). Impairment losses have been reversed in 2018 in the amount of SEK 1 m (2017: 0).