Not 19 – Income tax

Group Parent Company
SEK m 2018 2017 2018 2017
Current tax for the year -95 -93 -33 -22
Current tax attributable to previous years -2 -1 1 1
Deferred tax attributable to previous years 0 0
Deferred tax 19 -11 -1 -18
Tax on income for the year -79 -106 -33 -39

Deferred tax in the income statement consists of the following items:

Group Parent Company
SEK m 2018 2017 2018 2017
Deferred tax, internal profit on inventories -3 3
Deferred tax, untaxed reserves -1 -2
Deferred tax, appraised loss carry-forwards 0 -18 -18
Deferred tax, Intangible assets 13 9
Deferred tax, other 9 -4 -1 0
Total deferred tax 19 -11 -1 -18


The tax attributable to components in other comprehensive income amounts to SEK 1 m (2017: SEK 10 m), most of which comprises tax on reappraisal of the net pension obligation.

Income tax on the Group’s income before tax differs from the theoretical amount which would have arisen upon use of a weighted average tax rate for income in the consolidated companies in accordance with the following:

Group Parent Company
SEK m 2018 2017 2018 2017
Reported income before tax 328 439 289 323
Tax according to applicable tax rate -76 -104 -64 -71
Tax effect of non-deductible expenses -9 -4 -1 -1
Tax effect of non-taxable income 6 3 31 31
Tax income/expenses due to changed tax rate 2 0 0
Adjustments relating to previous years -2 -1 1 1
Tax on income for the year in accordance with the income statement -79 -106 -33 -39

Tax rate

The weighted average tax rate in the Group amounted to 23.0% (2017: 23.6 %). The Parent Company’s applicable income tax rate is 22% (2017: 22%).
As of the 2019 financial year, Swedish corporate tax is reduced from 22 percent to 21.4 percent, and to 20.6 percent from the 2021 financial year.

Temporary differences

Temporary differences arise in those cases where the accounting and tax values of assets or liabilities differ. Changes are in deferred tax assets and liabilities during the year, without consideration given to set-offs made under the same tax entitlement.

Deferred tax assets

SEK m, Group Loss
Pensions Structural expenses Other Total
At December 31, 2016 19 0 29 5 11 65
Recognized in income statement -18 3 0 9 -6
Effect of changed tax rates reported in the income statement 0
Recognized in other comprehensive income -10 -10
Acquired tax assets 0
Exchange differences 0 0 0
At December 31, 2017 2 3 19 5 20 49
Recognized in income statement 0 -3 2 2 4 5
Effect of changed tax rates reported in the income statement 0 0 1 1
Recognized in other comprehensive income -1 -1
Acquired tax assets 4 4
Exchange differences 0 0 0 0 -1 -1
At December 31, 2018 2 0 20 7 28 57

Deferred tax liabilities

SEK m, Group Untaxed reserves Intangible assets Other Total
At December 31, 2016 36 70 20 126
Recognized in income statement 2 -9 12 5
Effect of changed tax rates reported in the income statement 0
Acquired tax liability 7 7
Exchange rate difference 0 0
At December 31, 2017 38 68 32 138
Recognized in income statement 0 -13 -1 -14
Effect of changed tax rates reported in the income statement 1 1
Acquired tax liability 77 77
Exchange rate difference 4 4
At December 31, 2018 39 135 31 206

Intangible assets refer to deferred tax on acquired customer relationships and trademarks. Other includes deferred tax on differences between the book and plan values of fixed assets.

The deferred tax is valued in accordance with the applicable tax rate in each country.

Deferred tax assets Deferred tax liabilities
SEK m, Parent Company Loss
Structural expenses Financial instruments Other Total Other
At December 31, 2016 18 4 2 0 24 0
Recognized in income statement -18 -1 -19 0
Transfer 13 13 12
Recognized in other comprehensive income 0
Exchange differences 0 0
At December 31, 2017 0 4 1 13 19 12
Recognized in income statement 0 -1 0 -1 0
Recognized in other comprehensive income 0
Exchange differences 0
At December 31, 2018 0 4 0 13 18 12

Other refers to deferred entitlement to deductions and payroll tax on direct pensions.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are set off when there is a legal right of set-off for the relevant tax assets and liabilities and when deferred taxes relate to the same tax authority. No set-off has taken place.

Breakdown of expiration dates:

Group Parent Company
SEK m 2018 2017 2018 2017
Deferred tax assets
Utilize after more than 12 months 53 37 18 18
Utilize within 12 months 4 12 1 1
Total 57 49 19 19
Deferred tax liabilities
Utilize after more than 12 months 187 126 12 12
Utilize within 12 months 19 12
Total 206 138 12 12

The net change regarding deferred taxes is as follows:

Group Parent Company
SEK m 2018 2017 2018 2017
Opening balance -89 -61  7 24
Recognized in income statement 19 -11 -1 -18
Recognized in other comprehensive income -1 -10
Acquired tax liability -73 -7
Exchange differences -5 1 0
Closing balance -149 -89 6 7