Note 24 – Equipment, tools and installations

Group Parent Company
SEK m 2018 2017 2018 2017
Opening cost 353 320 22 21
Investments 16 24 0 0
Increase through business combination 4
Decrease through disposal
Disposals and retirements -6 -11 -1 -1
Reclassification -12 10 2 2
Translation differences 13 10
Closing accumulated cost 368 353 22 22
Opening accumulated depreciation -264 -246 -19 -18
Depreciation for the year -26 -22 -1 -1
Business combinations -3
Disposals and retirements 6 10 1 1
Increase through disposal 1
Reclassification 15
Translation differences -10 -7
Closing accumulated depreciation -281 -264 -19 -19
Closing carrying amount 87 89 3 3