Note 31 – Borrowings

Group Parent Company
SEK m 2018 2017 2018 2017
Bank loans 1 399 637 1 384 637
Overdraft facilities 2 0
Total long-term borrowing 1 399 639 1 384 637
Group Parent Company
SEK m 2018 2017 2018 2017
Bank loans 103 197 103 197
Total short-term borrowing 103 197 103 197
Total borrowing 1 502 836 1 487 834

With respect to borrowing, Duni’s exposure to changes in interest rates and contractual dates for interest renegotiation is as follows at the end of the reporting period:

SEK m 2018 2017
6 months or less 103 197
6-12 months 0 0
More than one year 1 399 637
Total 1 502 834

Duni’s borrowings are measured at amortized cost applying the effective interest rate method. The difference between the values recognized in the balance sheets for 12/31/2018 and the nominal values consists of transaction costs.

Duni’s accrued interest is recognized as accrued expenses. Shown below are the nominal values excluding accrued interest, and carrying amounts for Duni’s borrowings.

Breakdown of interest-bearing net debt

The interest-bearing net debt and the change for the respective period are analyzed below.

SEK m 2018 2017
Other long-term receivables 10 2
Cash and cash equivalents 260 227
Overdraft facilities 0 -2
Long-term bank loans -1 399 -637
Finance lease liability -2 -4
Short-term bank loans -103 -197
Allocation to pensions -256 -244
Interest-bearing net debt -1 490 -855
SEK m 2018 2017
Cash and cash equivalents and other long-term receivables 270 229
Allocation to pensions -256 -244
Finance lease liability -2 -4
Gross debt – fixed interest
Gross debt – variable interest -1 502 -836
Interest-bearing net debt -1 490 -855

* See interest rate swaps Note 29.


Interest-bearing net debt excluding allocation to pensions:

SEK m Cash and cash equivalents Other long-term receivables Overdraft facilities Other financial liabilities Finance leases maturing within 1 year Finance leases maturing later than 1 year Borrowings maturing within 1 year Borrowings maturing later than 1 year Total
Interest-bearing net debt at December 31, 2016 186 2 -14 0 -1 -2 0 -659 -489
Net cash flow 41 0 13 19 0 -1 -152 -81
Exchange differences 0 0 0 -19 0 0 -7 -16 -42
Other non-cash items -190 190 0
Interest-bearing net debt at December 31, 2017 227 2 -2 0 -1 -3 -197 -637 -611
Net cash flow 28 8 2 58 0 0 90 -726 -540
Exchange differences 5 0 0 -58 0 0 4 -36 -85
Other non-cash items 0 0
Interest-bearing net debt at December 31, 2018 260 10 0 0 -1 -3 -103 -1 399 -1 236

The interest-bearing net debt Duni tracks as a key ratio also includes allocation to pensions. In the table above, Duni has chosen not to include allocation to pensions because the net cash flow in the table should match cash flow for the year and cash flow used in financing activities in the consolidated cash flow statement.

Fair values

Current financing

Duni’s bank loans and overdraft facility, amounting to SEK 1502 m (2017: SEK 836 m), carry variable interest which is determined in conjunction with each new loan period. The discount effect for such a relatively short period of time is insignificant, and thus the fair value corresponds to the nominal value plus accrued interest.

2018 2017
Carrying amount Nominal value Carrying amount Nominal value
Bank loans 1 502 1 502 834 834
Overdraft facilities 0 0 2 2
Leases 2 2 4 4
Total 1 504 1 504 840 840

The carrying amounts, per currency, for the Group’s borrowings are as follows:

SEK m 2018 2017
EUR 1 504 840
Other currencies
Total 1 504 840

Bank loans

Duni’s financing agreement was signed on December 18, 2017 and is long term. The financing consists of two revolving credit facilities with a nominal amount of EUR 200 m. MEUR EUR 150 m expires in December 2021 and EUR 50 m expires in June 2020. Duni also has an EUR 10 m credit agreement which extends until May 2019. The interest rate is variable and set at EURIBOR plus a margin, until the next rolling. The average rate of interest on bank loans was 0.40% (2017: 0.38% per year).

Overdraft facilities

On behalf of the Group, the Parent Company has arranged two overdraft facilities with a nominal amount of EUR 17 m.
At 12/31/2018, the amount drawn was EUR 0 m.