Note 5 – Operating segments

Company management has established operating segments based on the information which is addressed by the strategic decision-making group and used for making strategic decisions.Since January 1, 2017, operations in Duni are divided into four operating segments.

The strategic decision-making group addresses and evaluates the operations based on lines of business to which the same risks and opportunities apply. Duni regards the Table Top, Meal Service, Consumer and New Markets lines of business as operating segments; internally within Duni they are designated as business areas.

The Table Top business area offers Duni’s concepts and products primarily to hotels, restaurants and catering, and to companies in the healthcare and care sectors. Table Top mainly markets napkins, table covers and candles for the set table.

The Meal Service business area offers concepts for meal packaging and serving products for applications including takeaway, ready-to-eat meals, and various types of catering. The business area’s customers are mainly take-away-driven restaurants, food producers, and health and care.

The Consumer business area offers consumer products, primarily to the retail sector in Europe. The business area’s customers comprise grocery retail chains, but also other channels such as different types of specialty stores, including garden centers, home furnishing stores, and DIY stores.

The New Markets business area offers Duni’s attractive quality products, table top concepts and packaging to new markets outside of Europe. In addition to customer segments such as hotels, restaurants and catering, the business area also aims its offering at retail.

The business areas generally share the same product range. However, design and packaging solutions are adapted to match the different sales channels. Production and support functions are largely shared by these business areas. Sales between the business areas take place on market terms.

Shared costs have been allocated based on estimated utilization of resources, which normally corresponds to actual business volumes.

Group Management constitutes the strategic decision-making body in Duni and decides on the allocation of resources within Duni and evaluates the results of the operations. Duni’s Group Management monitors on a monthly basis the operations divided into the four business areas, which are evaluated and controlled based on the operating income, i.e. reported EBIT before restructuring costs, non-realized valuation effects of currency derivatives, fair value allocations and amortization of intangible assets which are identified in connection with business acquisitions.Interest income and interest expenses are not allocated per segment since they are affected by measures taken by the central treasury function, which manages the Group’s cash liquidity.

Operating segment

2018, SEK m Table Top Meal Service Consumer New Markets Non-distributed TOTAL
Total net sales 2 486 846 1 074 448 86 4 940
Net sales from other segments 12 12
Net sales from external customers 2 486 846 1 061 448 86 4 927
Operating income 330 41 42 13 4 430
Items not included in operating income -17 -5 -36 -22 0 -80
Reported EBIT 313 36 6 -9 4 351
Financial income 1
Financial expenses -23
Income tax -79
Net income for the year 249
Total assets 2 912 311 1 336 1 424 44 6 027
Total liabilities 804 137 391 551 1 528 3 411
Investments 110 13 61 17 4 205
Depreciation/amortization 82 11 78 29 2 201


2017, SEK m Table Top Meal Service Consumer New Markets Non-distributed TOTAL
Total net sales 2 338 705 1 034 322 67 4 465
Net sales from other segments 0 24 24
Net sales from external customers 2 338 704 1 010 322 67 4 441
Operating income 375 31 57 24 5 491
Items not included in operating income 0 0 -26 -9 0 -35
Reported EBIT 375 31 31 15 5 456
Financial income 0
Financial expenses -18
Income tax -106
Net income for the year 334
Total assets 2 979 225 1 235 355 39 4 833
Total liabilities 827 106 346 99 860 2 239
Investments 151 13 62 8 3 237
Depreciation/amortization 79 7 69 16 2 174

IFRS 15 division of revenue

IFRS 15 stipulates new requirements for revenue recognition and revenue from customer contracts is divided into different categories. Duni has identified each of its business areas in four different category types. Within these, sales by region and by product group are specified in order to reflect the nature of Duni’s sales. Duni’s goods and services are transferred at the same time, and income is received in the same month as the goods are delivered to the customer or the service is rendered.

2018, SEK m Table Top Meal Service Consumer New Markets Other TOTAL
Primary geographic regions
Nordic region 367 328 149 1 18 863
Central Europe 1 641 349 782 1 42 2 815
Southern & Eastern Europe 478 168 71 32 22 771
Rest of the world 0 0 59 415 4 478
Total 2 486 846 1 061 448 86 4 927
Product groups
Napkins 1 699 559 213 2 472
Table covers 588 195 16 799
Candles 157 20 7 183
Packaging solutions 478 1 47 526
Serving products 341 77 135 553
Other 42 26 210 29 86 394
Total 2 486 846 1 061 448 86 4 927
Time of revenue recognition
Goods/services transferred at once 2 486 846 1 061 448 86 4 927
Goods/services transferred over time 0
Total 2 486 846 1 061 448 86 4 927

Duni controls its operations based on what Duni refers to as operating income. ‘Operating income’ is an alternative key ratio that means operating income before restructuring costs, non-realized valuation effects of currency derivatives, fair value allocations and amortization of intangible assets identified in connection with business acquisitions. See the bridge between operating income and EBIT below.

SEK m 2018 2017
Bridge between operating income and EBIT
Operating income 430 491
Restructuring costs -31 0
Unrealized value changes. derivative instruments 0
Amortization of intangible assets identified in connection with business acquisitions -43 -34
Fair value allocation in connection with business acquisitions -6 -1
Reported EBIT 351 456

The assets and liabilities included in each business area include all operating capital which is used – primarily inventories, accounts receivable and accounts payable. In addition, certain assets which are shared (primarily fixed assets) have been allocated. Duni has chosen not to allocate financial liabilities, with the exception of accounts payable and derivative instruments. See also the table on non-allocated liabilities below and Note 4.2.

SEK m 2018 2017
Non-allocated liabilities
Overdraft facilities 2
Leases 2 4
Bank loans 1 501 834
Liabilities of other operations not tracked as an operating segment 24 21
Total non-allocated liabilities 1 528 860

Total sales from external customers broken down per product group:

SEK m 2018 2017
Product groups
Napkins 2 472 2 270
Table covers 799 785
Candles 183 181
Serving products 553 455
Packaging solutions 526 412
Other* 394 339
Net sales from external customers 4 927 4 441

*Other includes coffee filters, take-away bags, straws and bags etc.

Total net sales from external customers broken down per geographic area:

SEK m 2018 2017
Net sales
Sweden 337 324
Rest of the Nordic region 526 513
Germany 1 482 1 371
Rest of Central Europe 1 333 1 198
Southern and Eastern Europe 771 697
Rest of the world 479 338
Net sales from external customers 4 927 4 441

Duni does not have any single customer that accounts for more than 10% of its net sales.

Total tangible and intangible assets broken down per geographic area:

SEK m 2018 2017
Tangible and intangible assets
Sweden 1 581 1 544
Germany 996 996
Rest of Central Europe 27 2
Southern and Eastern Europe 160 138
Australia 704
Rest of the world 331 311
Total tangible and intangible assets 3 798 2 991

Parent company’s breakdown of net sales per operating segment and geographic area:

Parent Company, SEK m 2018 2017
Operating segment
Table Top 565 564
Meal Service 396 373
Consumer 178 175
New Markets 45 39
Other 9 9
Total net sales 1 194 1 160
Parent Company, SEK m 2018 2017
Geographic areas
Nordic region 781 759
Central Europe 301 275
Southern and Eastern Europe 112 126
Rest of the world 0 0
Total net sales 1 194 1 160