Key ratio definitions

Duni uses financial measures that in some cases are not defined by the IFRS, but are alternative key financials. The purpose is to provide additional information that facilitates a better and more specific comparison of performance from year to year. Duni defines its key ratios as follows.

Number of employees
The number of active full-time employees at end of period.

Return on equity
Net income for the year as a percentage of equity.

Return on capital employed
Operating income as a percentage of capital employed.

Gross margin
Gross profit as a percentage of net sales.

Reported operating income.

EBIT margin
EBIT as a percentage of net sales.

Operating income before amortization of intangible assets.

EBITA margin
EBITA as a percentage of net sales.

Operating income before depreciation and impairment of fixed assets

EBITDA margin
EBITDA as a percentage of net sales.

Cost of goods sold
Cost of goods sold including production and logistic costs.

Operating income
EBIT adjusted for restructuring costs, fair value allocations and amortization of intangible assets identified in connection with business acquisitions.

Operating margin
Operating income as a percentage of net sales.

P/E ratio
Current share price as a percentage of earnings per share.

Interest-bearing net debt
Interest-bearing liabilities and pensions less cash and cash equivalents and interest-bearing receivables.

Net debt/equity ratio
Interest-bearing net debt as a percentage of total equity.

Capital employed
Non-interest bearing fixed and current assets, excluding deferred tax assets, less non-interest bearing liabilities.

Currency adjusted
Figures adjusted for changes in exchange rates related to consolidation. Figures for 2018 are calculated at exchange rates for 2017. Effects of restatement of balance sheet items are not included.

Earnings per share
Income for the period divided by the average number of shares.

Bridge between operating income and EBIT

SEK m 2018 2017
Operating income 430 491
Restructuring costs -31 0
Amortization of intangible assets identified in connection with business acquisitions -43 -34
Fair value allocation in connection with acquisitions -6 -1
EBIT 351 456

Bridge between operating EBITDA, EBITDA and EBIT

SEK m 2018 2017
Operating EBITDA 583 630
Restructuring costs -31 0
Fair value allocation in connection with acquisitions -6 -1
EBITDA 546 629
Amortization of intangible assets identified in connection with business acquisitions -43 -34
Amortization included in operating income -152 -139
EBIT 351 456