Note 34 – Management of capital risk

Capital risk

Capital risk comprises refinancing and liquidity risks, and these risks arise if the company cannot meet payment obligations due to a liquidity shortage or difficulties obtaining loans from external sources.

The risk is managed within Duni by Treasury ensuring that sufficient cash and cash equivalents are available through financing, agreed credit facilities (these are described in greater detail in Note 29) and the possibility to close market positions. Excess liquidity is centralized via the Group’s cash pools. Treasury manages liquidity both within and between these cash pools. On December 31, 2019, Duni’s liquidity totaled SEK 311 m (260) along with a non-utilized credit facility of SEK 1,050 m (843). Payments for coming periods relating to financial liabilities are shown in the tables below.

Duni’s credit facility is subject to covenants consisting of a financial key ratio as well as a number of non-financial conditions. The financial key ratio comprises financial net debt as a percentage of the underlying EBITDA. The interest margin is calculated based on the same key ratio and adjusted based on given levels each quarter. This key ratio is used solely for compliance with the credit facilities and is thus not a key ratio defined by Duni.

Duni’s financing agreement was signed on December 18, 2017. The financing is long term and consists of two loan facilities with revolving borrowing in EUR. The two facilities total EUR 200 m. During the year, Duni took out additional financing in the amount of EUR 30 m with quarterly repayments and exercised an extension option to extend the maturity of an existing EUR 150 m credit facility by one year. The EUR 150 m facility matures in December 2022 and the EUR 50 m facility matures in July 2021.

Duni has the possibility to freely use the facilities based on the Company’s liquidity needs within the term of the facility. In addition to this financing, there is a put call totaling EUR 20 m which matures in May 2020. There are overdraft facilities in place totaling EUR 10 m that had not been used at December 31, 2019.

The table below shows the Group’s contracted outstanding non-discounted interest payments and repayments on financial liabilities and liabilities regarding derivative instruments:

1 to 3 months 3 to 12 months Later than 1 year but within 5 year  
SEK m Book value Interest rate Amortization Interest rate Amortization Interest rate Amortization
  1 till 3 månader 3 till 12 månader Senare än 1 år men inom 5år
MSEK Bokfört värde Ränta Amortering Ränta Amortering Ränta Amortering
Bank loans Banklån -1,396 -1 0 -271
Overdraft facility Checkräkningskredit 0 0
Accounts payable and other liabilities Leverantörsskulder och övriga skulder -657 -657
Currency forward contracts1) Valutaterminskontrakt1) 0
– Interest rate swap – Ränteswap 0 0 0 0 0
– Liability for put option of minority owners – Skuld avseende minoritetsägares säljoption -365 -23 -342
Derivative instruments – Liabilities Derivatinstrument – Skulder -365 0 0 0 -23 0 -342
Currency forward contracts1) Valutaterminskontrakt1) 1
– Interest rate swap – Ränteswap 0
Derivative instruments – Assets Derivatinstrument – Tillgångar 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
Sum Summa -2,417 -1 -657 0 -294 0 -342


1) Gross flows are shown in the table below.

The market value of the derivative instruments is broken down by derivative type as follows:

SEK m 2019 2018
MSEK 2019 2018
Bank loans Currency forward contracts Valutaterminskontrakt 1 1
Interest rate swap Ränteswap 0 -3
Liability for put option of minority owners* Skuld avseende minoritetsägares säljoption* -365 -348
Sum Summa -364 -350
* For liability for put option of minority owners, see Note 28.

Financial currency forward contracts relate to both internal and external liabilities and receivables. The above presentation includes all financial liabilities and derivative instruments with negative and positive values. Amounts in foreign currency and amounts paid based on a variable rate of interest have been estimated through the use of the prevailing exchange rates on the balance sheet date and the most recent interest rate adjustments. Total repayment does not always correspond to the book value. This is due to the fact that the Group’s transaction costs in connection with the arrangement of loans are booked against the loan. Currency forward contracts are settled gross. All flows are due and payable within one year.

The table below shows these currency forward contracts, broken down by the time remaining on the balance sheet date until the contractual expiration date. The amounts stated below are the contractual non-discounted amounts.

SEK m 2019 2018
MSEK 2019 2018
Bank loans Currency forward contracts Valutaterminskontrakt
– Inflow according to contracts for financial assets and liabilities – Inflöde avseende kontrakt för finansiella tillgångar och skulder 649 394
– Outlow according to contracts for financial assets and liabilites – Utflöde avseende kontrakt för finansiella tillgångar och skulder -649 -393

All flows are due and payable within one year. Financial currency forward contracts relate to both internal and external liabilities and receivables.

The above presentation includes all financial liabilities and derivative instruments with negative and positive values. Amounts in foreign currency and amounts paid based on a variable rate of interest have been estimated through the use of the prevailing exchange rates on the balance sheet date and the most recent interest rate adjustments. Total repayment does not always correspond to the book value. This is due to the fact that the Group’s transaction costs in connection with the arrangement of loans are booked against the loan.

Impact of hedge accounting on the Group’s financial position and performance

The effects of hedge accounting of the impact of currency risks on the Group’s financial position and performance are shown below:

Net investment in foreign operations

2019 2018
2019 2018
Recognized amount (AUD m) Redovisat belopp (MAUD) 65 63
Nominal amount of hedging instruments (AUD m) Säkringsinstrumentens nominella belopp (MAUD) 21 21
Hedge ratio Säkringskvot 32% 34%
Weighted average of forward prices during the year (including forward points) Vägda genomsnittet för terminskurser under året (inklusive terminspunkter) 6.4991 6.3807
The hedged item is estimated to, in all material respects, have the same change in fair value as the hedging instrument.

Derivative instruments - Interest rate swaps

2019 2018
2019 2018
Recognized amount (EUR m) Redovisat belopp (MEUR) 15 40
Maturity date Förfallodag 2022-12-19 2019-08-07
Nominal amount of hedging instruments (EUR m) Säkringsinstrumentens nominella belopp (MEUR) 15 40
Hedge ratio Säkringskvot 11% 28%
Weighted average of the variable interest rate during the year Vägda genomsnittet för den rörliga räntan under året 0.39% -0.324%
The hedged item is estimated to, in all material respects, have the same change in fair value as the hedging instrument.

Hedge reserve

SEK k Interest rate swaps Currency forwards
TSEK Ränteswappar Valutaterminer
Balance at 1/1/2018 Balans 2018-01-01 -3,895 0
Plus: Change in fair value of hedging instrument recognized in other comprehensive income Tillkommer: Förändring i verkligt värde på säkringsinstrument redovisade i ÖTR 2,952 3,267
Less deferred tax Avgår uppskjuten skatt -662 -699
Balance at 12/31/2018 Balans per 2018-12-31 -1,605 2,568
Plus: Change in fair value of hedging instrument recognized in other comprehensive income Tillkommer: Förändring i verkligt värde på säkringsinstrument redovisade i ÖTR 2,060 -4,981
Less deferred tax Avgår uppskjuten skatt -431 996
Balance at 12/31/2019 Balans per 2019-12-31 -24 -1,417
The hedge expense is included in the table above and its amount is negligible.

Capital structure

Duni’s objective with respect to its capital structure is to ensure the Group’s ability to continue its operations. The Group assesses capital on the basis of the net debt/equity ratio. This key ratio is calculated as interest-bearing net debt divided by total capital. The interest-bearing net debt is calculated as total borrowings less cash and cash equivalents. Total capital is calculated as total equity in the consolidated balance sheet plus net debt.

The net debt/equity ratio is as follows:

SEK m 2019 2018
MSEK  2019 2018
Total borrowings Total upplåning 1,396 1,502
Overdraft facilities Chekräkningskredit 0 0
Other long-term receivables Andra långfristiga fordringar 195 2
Allocation to pensions Avsättningar till pensioner 276 255
Group loan / receivables Koncern lån / fordringar -10 -9
Less: cash and cash equivalents Avgår: likvida medel -311 -260
Interest-bearing net debt1) Räntebärande nettoskuld1) 1,546 1,490
Total equity Totalt eget kapital 2,664 2,616
Total capital Totalt kapital 4,210 4,106
Net debt/equity ratio Skuldsättningsgrad 37% 36%
1) The calculation of interest-bearing net debt is exclusive of derivatives.