Note 10 – Other operating income and expenses

Accounting principles

Other operating income includes other revenue not classified as sales and that cannot be attributable to selling products or services. Other operating expenses includes expenses that cannot be classified in other functions.

Government assistance

Government grants are recognized at fair value when there is reasonable certainty that the grant will be received and that the conditions associated with the grant will be met. Government grants relating to costs are allocated over periods and recognized in the income statement in the same periods as the costs which the grant is intended to cover. Government assistance is recognized as other operating income.

Acquisition expenses

Acquisition expenses are recognized in the Group as other operating expenses. In the Parent Company, these are recognized as shares in subsidiaries in compliance with RFR 2.

Depreciation, amortization and impairment

Amortization of customer relationships and goodwill impairment losses attributable to acquisitions are recognized in other operating expenses.

Group Parent Company
SEK m 2020 2019 2020 2019
  Koncernen Moderbolaget
MSEK 2020 2019 2020 2019
Exchange rate gains Valutakursvinster 0 12 0 2
Administrative services Administrativa tjänster 249 298
Capital gains Realisationsvinst 0 1 0 0
Government support Statliga stöd 82 10
Profit on recalculated pension terms Vinst vid omräknade pensionsvillkor 33
Other items Övriga poster 5 11 0 0
Total other operating income Summa övriga rörelseintäkter 121 24 259 300
Exchange rate losses Valutakursförluster 4 4
Depreciation/amortization Avskrivningar 63 63 0 0
Impairment losses Nedskrivningar 0 58 0
Administrative services Administrativa tjänster 38 39
Capital loss Realisationsförlust 1 1 0 0
Acquisition expenses Förvärvskostnader 2
Other items Övriga poster 11 13 1 1
Total other operating expenses Summa övriga rörelsekostnader 80 137 44 40

Other operating income

Operating income includes government employment assistance (nystartsjobb) amounting to SEK 0 thousand (2019:16) in Other items. There are not any unfulfilled conditions or contingent liabilities associated with these grants.

The Duni Group received government assistance for short-time work (SEK 74 m) and transition support (SEK 8 m) during the year, for a total of SEK 82 m. Each country has different names for support funding for employees, but all government assistance received for both transition support and employees is consolidated under other operating income. Transition support has only been received in Sweden. Government grants intended to cover costs or reduce rent from landlords, in countries other than Sweden, are allocated over periods and recognized in the income statement in the same periods as the costs which the grant is intended to compensate for.

SEK 33 m in one-off revenue was included in other operating income in relation to a gain on recalculation of pension terms and conditions in the Dutch pension plan.

Other operating expenses

Administrative services in the Parent Company primarily involve administrative expenses for subsidiaries.

Other items, revenue, primarily comprise gains on disposal of fixed assets. Other items, expenses, include losses on disposal of fixed assets, bank fees and other administrative expenses. The bank fees include fees in connection with payment of invoices, fees for receiving payments and expenses for holding external bank accounts. These expenses are directly related to operations, which is why they are considered operating expenses and not financial expenses.